Last Updated on December 9, 2024 12:51 pm
Cove Creek School Seventh Grader Lauren McCoy correctly spelled the word “Blatant” in the 10th round to secure victory in the Watauga County Schools district-wide spelling bee held on Dec. 6 at the Margaret Gragg Education Center in Boone.
The top speller from each school was invited to attend the competition held at the WCS central office.
This year’s contestants were: Bailee Studstrup (Bethel), Anna Morgan(Blowing Rock), Lauren McCoy (Cove Creek), Grayson Wilder (Green Valley), Max Greene (Hardin Park), Riley Sweeney (Mabel), Sammi Martin (Parkway) and Konrad Brown (Valle Crucis).
A single speller from each school secured a stop at the district-wide spelling bee final by winning a competition among fourth through eighth-grade students at her or his school.
“The Spelling Bee is a great tradition in Watauga County Schools, going back to 1960,” said Director of Middle Grades Education Meredith Jones. “This year’s group of students did an amazing job, spelling some very difficult words, and we are so proud of each of them!”
Jones along with Kim Hall and Emily Younce of the central services team coordinated the logistics and planning for the WCS Spelling Bee, and school-level coordinators oversaw the spelling bee competitions at each school.
School coordinators were Melody Cook (Bethel School), Amanda Quilliams (Blowing Rock School), Laurie Warren (Cove Creek School), Shane Terzaken (Green Valley School), Emily Rothrock (Hardin Park School), Sunnee Freed (Mabel School), Owen Gray (Parkway School) and Erin Thompson (Valle Crucis School).
WCS Superintendent Dr. Leslie Alexander could not be present due to her attendance at a conference. Assistant Superintendent Dr. Chris Blanton welcomed all in attendance and eased everyone’s nerves with his Spelling Bee jokes.
“How do you spell ‘opponent’ with three letters,” Blanton asked. All in the room were stumped. The answer was “N-M-E”, which resulted in much laughter.
The 2024 district spelling bee was sponsored by Carolina West Wireless and SkyLine/SkyBest. Public Relations Administrator Hallie Grubb was present to represent SkyLine/SkyBest and Business Account Executive Jamie Stone along with Randy James were present to represent CWW.
Several local businesses donated prizes for each contestant and the bee champion including: Grandfather Mountain, Mast General Store, Mellow Mushroom, OP Smiles, Tweetsie Railroad and Wendy’s. Jones presented each contestant with their prizes following the competition.
Chief Academic Officer Mr. Phil Norman gave introductions. Dr. Wayne Eberle, WCS director of Accountability and School Improvement, served as the Pronouncer, while Director of Elementary Education Dr. Brian Bettis, WHS/WIA Assistant Principal Daniel Machon and Early Literacy Specialist Misty Hyler served as the panel of judges.
With her victory at the county level, McCoy will be eligible to represent the district at the regional level in the spring.