Town of BooneNews

Workshop for our Future:  The Town of Boone is Planning for Its Future and Wants to Hear from You! 

Last Updated on January 3, 2024 11:34 am

Boone, NC – The Town of Boone will host its first public workshop in the process of updating the Town’s Comprehensive Plan at Hardin Park Elementary School, 361 Jefferson Road, on Thursday, January 18, 2024 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. If canceled due to weather, the workshop will be rescheduled to Tuesday, January 30, 2024 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. 

The process to update the current comprehensive plan and the plan itself has been branded as Boone Next. Upon completion, Boone Next, will be the long-range comprehensive planning document that will establish a shared vision for the growth and development of the Town of Boone and set forth goals, strategies, and action steps to direct future Town action. 

We invite you to join us at this workshop to share your ideas, concerns, and hopes for Boone’s future and to explore topics such as housing, transportation, environmental sustainability, and economic prosperity. The workshop will offer opportunities to engage with smartphone polling questions and interactive stations. Light refreshments and a children’s engagement station will also be provided. 

Members of the public may also visit the Boone Next website at to learn about Boone Next, provide feedback and ideas, and sign up for updates. For additional information about the planning process, please contact the Town’s Director of Planning and Inspections, Jane Shook at or visit the project website. 

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