Last Updated on May 19, 2020 12:17 pm
The Watauga County Commissioners will hold a virtual meeting today and COVID-19 matters are heavy on the agenda.
Jennifer Greene, Director of AppHealthCare, is scheduled to give a community update on COVID-19.
A discussion regarding current county COVID-19 restrictions is scheduled, and it is expected that it will include talking about steps moving forward. During the May 5th meeting, the Board took action on a plan to address easing restrictions when Phase 2 approaches. Phase 2 could occur on Friday as Governor Roy Cooper's current Executive Order expires. As of Tuesday morning, the Governor has given no definite indication if he will move to Phase 2 or extend the current Order.
Also among the items on the Board's agenda, is a discussion on Summer Camps and Youth Sports Programs through the Watauga County Park and Recreation that have been closed due to COVID-19.
The meeting is schedule for 5:30pm and can be accessed by calling: +1 929 205 6099. Once you call, you will be prompted to enter the following:
Meeting ID: 878 7234 2708
Password: 12345
A recording of this meeting will be available by 5:00 P.M. on Wednesday, May 20, 2020, on the County’s website at:
The Boone Town Council also has a meeting scheduled for this evening but they announced last week that they would move their COVID-19 agenda items to this coming Thursday night.