Last Updated on September 21, 2020 6:23 pm
In a special called meeting the Watauga Board of Education voted on a plan for the return of students to in-person schooling.
Below is an email from the Board, sent to parents and guardians, providing more details. To view a replay of the meeting visit this YouTube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89oj0kcM6sU
The members of the Watauga County Board of Education want to take the opportunity to again thank you for your patience, flexibility and understanding as our teachers, staff and administrators work to interpret and implement changing guidance from the Governor and the Department of Public Instruction regarding the reopening of our schools. We wouldn’t be able to navigate such difficult and complex decisions without your support and we are grateful.
Tonight, the Board of Education voted unanimously to implement a plan that will reopen in-person learning in our schools in grades K-3.
Beginning Oct. 5, our Kindergarten through third grade students will be able to return to school in-person on our 2×3 Plan B Flex Schedule.
Under the plan, half of students will attend school on Monday and Tuesday, while the other half attend on Thursday and Friday. Wednesday would be reserved as a remote learning day for all students. In total, students would have three days of remote learning at home each week.
You can read more about the specifics of that schedule and further measures we are taking to ensure the health and safety of our schools in our local reopening guide here.
The plan that the board adopted tonight will reopen in-person learning to students in grades 4-12 on Oct. 19 under the same 2×3 Plan B Flex Schedule and social distancing measures.
In the coming days, district and school staff will share more information on some of the logistical details of returning our students to school, from bus travel and routing to lunch service and health screenings.
As local and state guidance and procedures are updated, or any other changes are made, they will be housed in our reopening guide and on our website at wataugaschools.org/coronavirus.
Again, thank you for your patience and understanding.
The Watauga County Board of Education