Last Updated on October 21, 2024 6:44 pm
Watauga County, the Town of Boone, Appalachian State University, and partners are collaborating to keep our community informed about Hurricane Helene's impacts and the resources available for relief. Continue to check this post for updates.
PLEASE NOTE that updates to this message will continue this week on Monday and Friday only. As our community continues its recovery efforts and different resources are beginning to shift, this messaging schedule will also continue to shift.
CURFEW: 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. for Watauga County, Town of Blowing Rock and Town of Boone until further notice.
Disaster Recovery Assistance Specialists are available to assist with applications for emergency assistance. You’ll need a social security number and bank account with routing numbers. Locations may change daily, so please visit townofboone.net/hurricanehelenerecovery for updates. Disaster Survivor Assistance Agents will be available from 8am – 6pm Monday, Oct. 21 through Wednesday, Oct. 23 at:
– Brushy Fork Baptist Church
3915 US-421 in Vilas
– Shawneehaw Fire Department
171 Rominger Rd in Banner Elk
A disaster recovery center will also remain open 7 days a week from 8am – 7pm at the Appalachian Enterprise Center, 130 Poplar Grove Connector in Boone.
People who are not currently receiving food and nutrition benefits may apply for Disaster SNAP benefits until Thursday, Oct. 24 (8 am to 4 pm each day). You must have an ID; please have proof of residency. You may apply at Watauga County DSS at 132 Poplar Grove Connector in Boone.
DONATE RELIEF FUNDS: One of the best ways for you to help support our communities, now and in the future, is by making a monetary donation to relief funds and to area nonprofits. Please consider the following donation sites:
– Boone Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation: boonechamber.com/foundation
– App State Disaster Relief Fund: appstate.edu
– North Carolina Disaster Relief Fund: nc.gov/donate
DONATION DASHBOARD: Local nonprofits and organizations in the area are requesting donations to help them provide additional services to Hurricane Helene survivors. Nonprofits and organizations that are currently accepting donations are listed on the following dashboard: supportingwnc.com. Those who wish to be added to the dashboard can request it using the “Submit a Donation Center” button.
– 828-268-6200 Boone Town Hall: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday – Friday
– 828-262-2000 Appalachian State University’s Main Line: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday – Friday
Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA) is a program that helps eligible survivors who applied for FEMA assistance by providing them with a safe, temporary place to stay, like a hotel or motel, until they can find a short or longer-term housing solution. Information about eligibility, how to find a participating hotel/motel, length of stay can be found at townofboone.net/hurricanehelenerecovery under the tab “FEMA Fact Sheets and Important Guidance for Recovery.”
– Kid Cove at Oak Grove is now accepting reservations Monday – Friday, 7:45 a.m. – 5 p.m. Services include childcare for NC Pre-K to 6th grade students. 306 Oak Grove Road in Boone. Breakfast, lunch and snacks provided. Text 828-964-8924 or email kidcoveboone@gmail.com.
– Merryland Academy has openings in multiple classrooms for infants up to age 8. 199 Jefferson Rd Unit C, Boone. Call 828-355-9898.
RESOURCES (Food, Water, Volunteer & Donation Options, Health Care, Children’s Resources, Debris Cleanup, Wi-Fi, Showers, Laundry etc.):
– Boone and Watauga County Resources and Services: townofboone.net/hurricanehelenerecovery
– Watauga County Resource Information – Boone Area Chamber of Commerce:
– App State Disaster Relief Resources: appstate.edu
– UNC Health Appalachian Community and Employee Resources: apprhs.org
AppHealthCare, the public health department serving Alleghany, Ashe and Watauga counties, is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m to 4:45 p.m. Contact AppHealthCare at 828-795-1970 or email preparedness@apphealth.com.
– If your private well or spring has flooded, it is recommended you disinfect and test your water. Test kits are available at no cost.
– If you have an open wound/rash and have been exposed to floodwaters, get a tetanus vaccine to prevent infection.
– Visit apphealthcare.com/hurricane-helene-recovery-resources and epi.dph.ncdhhs.gov/oee/programs/wellwater.html for more info and resources.
– Visit appstate.edu for disaster relief resources
– Office of the Dean of Students, case management, student legal clinic and off-campus student services: Plemmons Student Union Room 324. Call 828-262-8284
– AppalCART: Visit appalcart.com/live-transit to view active bus routes in real-time.
– AppalCART has rural services available to those who qualify for Project on Aging and paratransit services with wheelchair-accessible vans. Call 828-297-1300 for info or visit appalcart.com
Guidance is available at townofboone.net/711/Hurricane-Helene-Resources-and-Services under the tab “FEMA Fact Sheets and Important Guidance for Recovery” which showcases new information daily for actions that individuals may not think to take after a disaster, such as Hurricane Helene. Guidance includes how to replace important documents lost to flood damage, and more.
Photograph all damages and items you have to throw away. Homeowners and renters in Watauga County can apply for assistance through FEMA. Use disasterassistance.gov, download the FEMA app, or call 1-800-621-3362 from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily for assistance. Contact the local call center with questions at 828-263-4178, or visit http://governor.nc.gov/…/how-apply-fema-assistance…
LEGAL AID: Legal Aid of NC is a nonprofit law firm that can provide people who cannot afford an attorney information about their rights, information about insurance claims and advocates for people applying for recovery fund assistance. Visit legalaidnc.org/topic/disaster or call 866-219-5262 Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF: Disaster Unemployment Assistance can be applied for here: des.nc.gov/dua
– Walmart Supercenter, 200 Watauga Village Dr, Boone: Portable restrooms, laundry and showers available daily. Mobile pharmacy open Monday – Saturday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., and Sunday, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
VOLUNTEER: While we are extremely grateful to everyone who has reached out to help, we ask visitors NOT TO TRAVEL TO THE AREA FOR NOW unless you are part of a coordinated volunteer effort, such as the ones listed below. Find more info at the resource links above and at boonechamber.com.
– Samaritan’s Purse: spvolunteer.org
– Appalachian Medical Reserve Corps: https://forms.gle/AaKy78d2pL7V2sNk7
– American Red Cross: volunteerconnection.redcross.org/
– Baptists on Mission: http://baptistsonmission.org/…/Disaste…/Hurricane-Helene
This list of resources is subject to change. Many organizations and individuals are also providing resources for our community, and we are unable to provide an exhaustive list of all these resources. We, as a community, want to thank everyone for their patience and their willingness to help their neighbors!