
Tuesday July 7 Watauga, Alleghany & Ashe COVID-19 Testing & Cases Data

Last Updated on July 7, 2020 4:52 pm

Beginning Thursday of this week, AppHealthCare will release a COVID-19 situation report for Alleghany, Ashe and Watauga Counties. This report will include data trend charts for numbers of completed tests, positive cases, active cases and also key messages that highlight the current state of COVID-19 in our communities. This report will be released each Thursday by end of day and will capture data from the week prior. will publish that data when it is released. You can still find today's data below.

Information provided by AppHealthCare

You may notice a difference between our case count and the NC DHHS state database. Sometimes we get notification of positive results before they show up on the state dashboard. Also, individuals can sometimes get “assigned” to our counties that actually do not reside in our counties. When that happens, we work with the state to get that data reassigned to the person’s place of residence.

Positive Case Count
This number is sourced from AppHealthCare and is typically updated once in the afternoon each day. This is a cumulative case count since testing began.

Active Cases
The number of individuals currently in isolation who are residents of Alleghany, Ashe or Watauga. This number will be updated once in the afternoon each day.

Positive Cases Identified that Reside Outside Our District Counties
This number is for individuals tested locally but do not reside in Alleghany, Ashe or Watauga. This is a cumulative number since we began testing and will be updated once in the afternoon each day.

Individuals Actively Being Monitored
The number of individuals AppHealthCare staff are monitoring due to being exposed to a confirmed COVID-19 case. These individuals are currently in quarantine, monitoring their symptoms. This number is updated each day Monday through Friday by 5 pm.

COVID-19 Related Deaths
This is the number of individuals who have died due to complications of COVID-19.

The number of district residents of Alleghany, Ashe and Watauga Counties who have been hospitalized due to COVID-19. This is a cumulative count and does not necessarily reflect the number of individuals who are currently hospitalized.

DatePositive Case CountActive CasesPositive Cases Identified that Reside Outside Our District CountiesIndividuals Actively Being MonitoredCOVID-19 Related DeathsHospitalizations
Tuesday July 7Alleghany 36
Ashe 58
Watauga 96
Alleghany 5
Ashe 13
Watauga 54
Total 72
42Alleghany 14
Ashe 34
Watauga 97
Outside District 4
Total 149
Alleghany 0
Ashe 1
Watauga 0
District 6
Monday July 6Alleghany 36
Ashe 58
Watauga 92
Alleghany 5
Ashe 15
Watauga 50
Total 68
42Alleghany 14
Ashe 36
Watauga 96
Outside District 4
Total 150
Alleghany 0
Ashe 1
Watauga 0
District 6
Thursday July 2Alleghany 33
Ashe 51 Watauga 70
Alleghany 3
Ashe 9 Watauga 32
Ashe 23 Watauga 77 Monitored but Residing Outside our Counties 0 TOTAL 115
Alleghany 0
Ashe 1 Watauga 0
Wednesday July 1Alleghany 31
Ashe 51 Watauga 65
Alleghany 1
Ashe 9 Watauga 27
OUTSIDE DISTRICT 39Alleghany 3 Ashe 23 Watauga 75 Monitored but Residing Outside our Counties 0 TOTAL 101Alleghany 0
Ashe 1 Watauga 0
Tuesday June 30Alleghany 31
Ashe 51 Watauga 65
Alleghany 1
Ashe 9 Watauga 27
OUTSIDE DISTRICT 39Alleghany 3 Ashe 25 Watauga 76 Monitored but Residing Outside our Counties 0 TOTAL 104Alleghany 0
Ashe 1 Watauga 0
Monday June 29Alleghany 31
Ashe 51 Watauga 65
Alleghany 1
Ashe 9 Watauga 27
OUTSIDE DISTRICT 39Alleghany 3 Ashe 25 Watauga 76 Monitored but Residing Outside our Counties 0 TOTAL 104Alleghany 0
Ashe 1 Watauga 0
Friday June 26Alleghany 31
Ashe 48 Watauga 50
Alleghany 1
Ashe 7 Watauga 16
OUTSIDE DISTRICT 39Alleghany 3 Ashe 16 Watauga 52 Monitored but Residing Outside our Counties 0 TOTAL 71Alleghany 0
Ashe 1 Watauga 0
Thursday June 25Alleghany 31
Ashe 47 Watauga 48
Alleghany 1
Ashe 6 Watauga 14
OUTSIDE DISTRICT 39Alleghany 3 Ashe 13 Watauga 40 Monitored but Residing Outside our Counties 0 TOTAL 56Alleghany 0
Ashe 1 Watauga 0
Wednesday June 24Alleghany 31
Ashe 46 Watauga 46
Alleghany 2
Ashe 6 Watauga 15
OUTSIDE DISTRICT 39Alleghany 3 Ashe 10 Watauga 42 Monitored but Residing Outside our Counties 0 TOTAL 55Alleghany 0
Ashe 1 Watauga 0
Tuesday June 23Alleghany 30
Ashe 46 Watauga 46
Alleghany 2
Ashe 6 Watauga 15
OUTSIDE DISTRICT 39Alleghany 3 Ashe 10 Watauga 42 Monitored but Residing Outside our Counties 0 TOTAL 55Alleghany 0
Ashe 1 Watauga 0
Monday June 22Alleghany 30
Ashe 45 Watauga 43
Alleghany 2
Ashe 5 Watauga 12
OUTSIDE DISTRICT 38Alleghany 3 Ashe 8 Watauga 34 Monitored but Residing Outside our Counties 0 TOTAL 45Alleghany 0
Ashe 1 Watauga 0
Friday June 19Alleghany 30
Ashe 44 Watauga 39
Alleghany 4
Ashe 6 Watauga 11
OUTSIDE DISTRICT 37Alleghany 5 Ashe 4 Watauga 18 Monitored but Residing Outside our Counties 0 TOTAL 27Alleghany 0
Ashe 1 Watauga 0
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