Last Updated on April 21, 2020 10:26 am
In accordance with recent recommendations to limit gatherings and to limit the potential spread of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus), several modifications will be made to the April 21, 2020 Boone Town Council meeting agenda and public participation process.
Agenda Items: The first Virtual Boone Town Council agenda will have a limited agenda. As part of the agenda the Town Council is expected to select an additional upcoming date to schedule a Special Called Town Council Meeting to catch up on items that would have been on the agenda in March and April. Moving forward and until further notice all meetings will be held in a virtual platform.
Public Participation:
Watch the Meeting: Anyone can view the Council meeting live at: https://townofboone.viebit.com/?folder=ALL
Public Participation: Individuals who wish to address Council during remote public participation can do so through WebEx either online or by phone. If you wish to provide public comment, please email Town Manager, John A. Ward III at john.ward@townofboone.net or call in at 828-268-6205 and you will be provided with an invite to the meeting. All registrations must be completed by 5:45PM on the day of the meeting.
Participants should complete the registration form provided in the meeting invite to be included in public participation and view further instructions. Staff will moderate the WebEx session to ensure all participants have an opportunity to address Council. Individuals who require user assistance registering or joining the WebEx event can call 828-406-1707 for support.
Note: To preserve bandwidth and ensure an orderly meeting, only individuals who wish to address Council should use the WebEx link. Anyone who wants to watch the meeting, but not address Council, should view the livestream at the link above.