Last Updated on July 30, 2023 10:20 am
The Town of Boone has awarded the Watauga Community Housing Trust $10,000 towards the
first concrete project for affordable housing within the Town of Boone limits. During the June 6,
2023 Town of Boone Budget Retreat, the Boone Town Council pledged $10,000 towards this
project, with the contingency that the Watauga Community Housing Trust raised $45,000 and
that the property is within Town limits.
With all contingencies met, during the June 14, 2023 Boone Town Council meeting, the Boone
Town Council voted unanimously to grant the Watauga Community Housing Trust $10,000 in
order to help this project come to life.
“The Town of Boone is very pleased to be able to participate in this project. The Trust is a small
group of community members who came together over 2 years ago to try, in any way, to address
our community housing shortages. These folks are the first to have a real project, be it a very
small project, at helping address low to moderate income home ownership. Congratulations to
the Watauga Community Housing Trust and the faithful group that brings this project to
fruition!” – Edie Tugman, Mayor Pro Tempore
The expected closing date on the property is August 1, 2023. This property will be permanently
reserved as long-term housing within the Junaluska community. As part of the Watauga
Community Housing Trust, a deed restriction will be in place in order to ensure that the house
remains affordable into the future for its inhabitants.
“This is another step towards the Town of Boone’s commitment to working with our community
partners in resolving the urgent matter of access to affordable housing.” – Tim Futrelle, Mayor
For more information, please contact Town Hall at (828) 268-6200.