
Town of Boone Water Intake Project Update #7

Last Updated on September 28, 2017 5:29 pm

*Town of Boone Press Release September 28, 2017*

On Feb. 13, 2017 the Harper Corporation and Garney Construction Company, Inc. were provided with the Notice to Proceed on the Boone Water Line, Water Treatment Plant, Intake and Booster Pump Station Project. The following is a project update and notice of upcoming road closures. There are currently 323 days remaining in the project contracts.

The Harper Corporation

30 Day Review

Division 1 Water Treatment Plant

  • Continued construction of new clearwell, including dome
  • Began chemical piping between caustic tank #2 and associated pumps
  • Cut subgrade for blower building
  • Continued 30” clearwell influent pipe
  • Prepared for tie-in to high service pump station
  • Electrical work ongoing

Division 2 Intake Site

  • Completed intake access road box culvert and wing walls
  • Continued construction of intake access road
  • Continued groundwater drawdown for wet well excavation

Division 3 Booster Pump Station

  • Completed construction of box culvert and 3 wingwalls
  • Drilled & blasted rock for building foundation excavation
  • Prepped for installation of 30” pipe

30 Day Look Ahead

Division 1 Water Treatment Plant

  • Finish construction of clearwell structure
  • Set caustic tank #1
  • Continue construction of blower building foundation
  • Complete chemical piping between Tank #2 and associated pumps
  • Complete Demo of Caustic system for Tank

Division 2 Intake Site

  • Complete access road construction
  • Construct riffle grade control by Oct 15th
  • Begin excavation for wet well

Division 3 Booster Pump Station

  • Set wingwall #4
  • Install 30” pipe
  • Construct riffle grade control by Oct 15th
  • Complete building foundation excavation

Garney Construction Company, Inc.

Crew 1 Brownwood Road:

Installed around 1,600’ this month. Still importing material and hauling off unsuitable material as needed. Crew has got into some rock which has slowed them down this month. Plan to start 2 crews out there with one laying in the field at the end of our line and the other to continue down Brownwood behind closure and when finished in the field we plan to lay with only one crew which will be in the road closure from there back now that we are past Wade Moretz Road and school transportation is able to get where they are needing for access on their route.

Crew 2 421 work:

The crew is working behind one closure now which has eliminated traffic movement between the two previous closures. We have completed the first open cut crossing. We have gotten into pockets of rock which has somewhat slowed us down, but have still managed to install almost 6000’ of pipe this month. We will continue to keep the seeding caught up behind us and progress the closure west.

Crew 3 New River Hills and Greenway area

Pipe is complete along the Greenway and around the plant area. The 3 trenchless crossings are all tied in and the most recent one behind treatment plant and few patches along greenway have been seeded to complete the Greenway to the plant. The plan is to have paving complete around the plant by the end of next week, along with dressing up and seeding. The trenchless crew is currently working on river crossing #5 which is the longer one and have hit some hard rock but are moving along. This crew will be moving to 421 to assist the other crew with pipe laying operations until river crossing #5 is complete. This crew has installed about 1400’ of pipe this month.

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