
Statewide Tornado Drill scheduled for Wednesday, March 7 at 930 AM

Last Updated on March 4, 2012 11:46 am

Governor Bev Perdue in conjunction with the National Weather Service and the North
Carolina Department of Public Safety has declared this week as Severe Weather
Awareness week for 2012. All week long the National Weather Service will be issuing
informative messages to help you prepare for severe weather.

Each day will cover a different topic. Monday will define severe thunderstorms. Tuesday
we will cover lightning. Wednesday's topic will be tornadoes. Thursday we will talk about
flooding…and Friday…the alert process.

On Wednesday…March 7th at 9:30 am…the National Weather Service in cooperation
with local broadcasters will conduct a statewide tornado drill in the form of a Required
Monthly Test on all NOAA weather radio and public alert systems. The alarm test will
activate the State Emergency Alert System and be carried by local radio broadcasters.
This will allow schools…business…and residents the opportunity to practice their
tornado drills and enact safety plans.

The numerous severe weather events of the past year, including the deadly tornado
outbreak of April 16, 2011, the Davidson and Randolph County tornadoes of November
16, 2011, and the recent tornadoes that affected Rutherford, Burke, and Caldwell
counties on January 11, 2012, emphasizes the severe weather risks that North
Carolinians face. Everyone across North Carolina should use this week to think about
what to do when threatened by lightning…hail…flooding…and tornadoes. Thunderstorms
bring a variety of threats…and knowing how to protect you and your family’s lives is

Use this week to discuss safety at work and with your children or students. Talk about
your severe weather plans…where to take shelter and practice taking refuge in a hall
closet or bathroom. Setting aside a few moments this week to talk about severe weather
safety with your co-workers and family may one day save your life and theirs

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