
State Highway Patrol Responds to Parking Issues Along Watauga River

Last Updated on May 11, 2022 9:41 am

Troopers Act to Increase Traffic Safety at Popular Tourist Destination

Watauga County – In an effort to promote traffic safety around popular tourist destinations in Watauga
County, the State Highway Patrol (SHP) is responding to parking violations with both education and

Warm weather brings many visitors to the great outdoors in North Carolina. The Watauga River is a
popular destination for residents, students, and tourists of Watauga County and the surrounding area.
Thousands of people visit the area annually but are challenged by limited parking. The SHP receives and responds to numerous calls regarding illegal parking. These violations often occur around Laurel Creek Falls, also known as Trash Can Falls, located along US 321 near Old Watauga River Road. Another
problematic area is on Guy Ford Road between US 321 and Peoria Road. Illegally parked vehicles have
the potential to create a traffic hazard and block critical access for emergency responders.

Motorists parking along the roadways are encouraged to look for and heed signs that prohibit parking in a particular area. Additionally, motorists are reminded to ensure their entire vehicle is off the roadway. A
vehicle found in violation is subject to being towed, and the driver is subject to being issued a citation.
Troopers will be enforcing violations of G.S. 20-161 Stopping on Highway Prohibited; Warning Signals;
Removal of Vehicles from Public Highway and other applicable laws.

Enforcement projects such as this are aimed at increasing awareness and gaining voluntary compliance of the motoring public.

The mission of the North Carolina State Highway Patrol is to promote excellence in traffic enforcement
through a commitment to the safe and efficient flow of traffic, crime reduction, and response to natural
hazards and manmade threats.

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