Last Updated on February 13, 2024 4:23 pm
The State Board of Elections has launched a multifaceted public education campaign designed to ensure the state’s 7.5 million registered voters know that they will be asked for photo identification when voting in 2024.
The campaign slogan is: “Bring It! Your ID. Your Vote.”
“This slogan was chosen because it reminds voters to bring their ID when voting, and we hope it motivates North Carolinians to exercise their right to vote in this important election year,” said Karen Brinson Bell, State Board executive director. “Voters can go to bringitnc.com to learn more about the photo ID requirement, view the list of acceptable IDs, and learn how to get a free ID if they need one.”
The campaign is designed to reach every corner of North Carolina, including rural and urban areas, in as many ways as possible.
Ads will be purchased on broadcast television and cable, radio, digital video, social media, digital billboards, websites, and in newspapers through the N.C. Press Association.
Coming Soon to Your Mailbox: Photo ID Mailer
Additionally, before the March 5 primary and Nov. 5 general election, the State Board is sending colorful postcards featuring information about the state’s voter photo ID law to all 4.9 million households in the state.
The first postcard (Voter Photo ID Mailer (PDF)) is arriving in mailboxes now. It features important information about the photo ID requirement for voters, the many forms of photo ID that will be accepted, and important election dates and deadlines for the March 5 primary election. It also explains how voters who do not have an acceptable form of ID can get one for free from their county board of elections.
The State Board and county boards of elections also plan to conduct photo ID educational seminars throughout the state in 2024. Information about those events will be released as they are scheduled.
Funding for the educational campaign was provided by the N.C. General Assembly through the state budget passed as Session Law 2023-134.
The State Board has contracted with Walk West — a Durham-based full-service marketing and branding agency — to assist with developing the advertising campaign strategy, and to design and place ads across many platforms.
Photo ID Background
Voters in North Carolina will be asked to show a photo ID when they check in to vote. Most voters will use their driver’s license, but many other forms of photo ID will be accepted. Voters who vote by mail will be asked to include a photocopy of their ID when returning their ballot. For more information on the photo ID requirement, including the current list of acceptable IDs, go to bringitnc.com. Voters who do not have an acceptable form of ID can get one for free from their county board of elections. Learn more at Get a Free Voter Photo ID.
Voters can also get a free ID card from the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles (NCDMV). Find more information under “No-Fee ID Cards” at State IDs | NCDMV.