
St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Daniel Boone Rail Jam, Town Council Meetings, Police Forum, Public Hearings, Town Committee Meetings & Town Board Meetings Cancelled

Last Updated on March 17, 2020 10:07 am

Due to the health concerns associated with the coronavirus (COVID-19) and efforts to limit the possible transmission, the Town of Boone has made the decision to cancel events and meetings. On or before April 13, 2020 the Town will reassess this measure and provide an update concerning ongoing cancellations or rescheduling of meetings. These cancellations will allow Town of Boone staff to focus their efforts on preparation and response to this developing situation in our community.

Effective immediately, all events with 100 or more participants, including those events sponsored by outside community partners on Town of Boone property, are canceled or postponed until otherwise directed by the Mayor/Town Manager. No new events of groups of 100 or more should be scheduled until further notice.

Effective immediately, all public meetings hosted by the Town of Boone including Town Council Meetings, Police Forums, Public Hearings, Town Committee Meetings and Town Board Meetings are cancelled for up to April 13, 2020.

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