
Sheriff’s Office notes 2nd year anniversary of the loss of Sgt. Chris Ward & K-9 Deputy Logan Fox

Last Updated on April 28, 2023 2:22 pm

Today, April 28, 2023, marks the 2nd anniversary of the deaths of K-9 Deputy Logan Fox and Sgt. Chris Ward. The two were fatally wounded while performing a welfare check at a Hardaman Circle home in 2021.  

“Today we had an in house marvelous breakfast made by our own deputies.”, Sheriff Len Hagaman said. “This morning we gathered around the flags as we raised the US (raising it to top of pole and then lowered to the half staff; in memory of all names on the monument). The National Anthem was also played during the raising and lowering of the U.S. flag to half staff.”, Sheriff Hagman also said.

“We also followed up with the raising of the North Carolina, and WCSO flags respectively. There was a moment of silence, then folks departed the memorial quietly.”, he also noted.

The Sheriff said that the other day many deputies volunteered their time and perspiration, to refresh the memorial in honor of our three fallen officers (Mast, Ward, and Fox). “Although it took some who were off duty, on duty, and even a WCSO retiree, to work, everyone did a phenomenal part of pruning the hedge, cleaning the memorial and walkway, planting perennials, and coaxing the survivor plants back to life with fertilizer and water.”

“This was the best therapy for us.”

Other local agencies also noted the day on social media.

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