Last Updated on August 30, 2023 1:43 pm
The N.C. Department of Transportation and the High Country Rural Planning Organization (RPO) are seeking input from transit riders and High Country residents for a study to identify opportunities for better transit connectivity across the region. The High Country Regional Transit Study will assist the seven counties of the High Country to build partnerships for potential regional transit improvements and connections.
The study is kicking off with the community survey this fall, and recommendations are expected in early 2024. The work is sponsored by the N.C. Department of Transportation Integrated Mobility Division (NCDOT IMD). Surveys are available online in English and Spanish and in-person, on transit vehicles and at a senior centers in each county.
Surveys will be open until October 15th, 2023. Read more online at
For more information, please contact David Graham, Transportation Planner, High Country Council of Governments at 828-265-5434 x135 or