Last Updated on February 25, 2025 10:49 am
Town of Boone, North Carolina— The Town of Boone is currently in the process of updating its agenda and minutes software to ensure that the best delivery of public meeting information is obtained. During this transition, new agendas and minutes for Town Council meetings can be found at www.townofboone.granicus.com/ViewPublisher.php?view_id=1, effective immediately. Past agendas and minutes and current Town of Boone board meeting agendas and minutes are in the process of being transferred and transitioned to the new software. However, for the time being, the public may access past agendas and minutes and current agendas and minutes for Town of Boone boards at www.boonenc.iqm2.com/Citizens/default.aspx.
Per North Carolina General Statute § 143-318.12: Public Notice of Official Meetings, all public notices for all public meetings will continue to be posted on the “Public Notice” page on the Town of Boone’s website at www.townofboone.net/publicnotices and on the bulletin board located in the entryway of Town Hall, located at 567 West King Street. The public notice’s page does not post agenda packets or minutes for meetings.
During the February 12th, 2025, Boone Town Council meeting, the Boone Town Council adopted three new policies for public meetings in the Town of Boone. These policies are the “Town of Boone Public Comment Policy”, the “Town of Boone Policy Regarding Requested Appearances Before Town Council”, and the “Town of Boone Policy Regarding Emails from the Public”. Each policy is intended to guide residents and Town Council Members regarding how best the public may provide input during public meetings. Policies regarding public meetings may be found at www.townofboone.net/townclerk.
For more information, please contact Town Hall at (828) 268-6200.