Last Updated on October 15, 2021 9:33 am
In-person early voting for the November 2, 2021 municipal elections began Thursday, October 14 and ends Saturday, October 30.
More than 460 cities and towns across North Carolina are conducting elections in November to choose local leaders, such as mayors and councilmembers.
Many, but not all, municipalities offer in-person early voting and absentee-by-mail voting. To see if your municipality offers early voting, use the 2021 Municipal Voter Tool.
For early voting sites and hours, use the One-Stop Early Voting Site Search tool.
“At the State Board, we want as many eligible voters as possible to be able to cast a ballot,” said Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the State Board. “We encourage voters to use the voting method that works best for them.”
During the early voting period, any registered voter may vote at any early voting site in their municipality before Election Day. Individuals may also register and vote at the same time using same-day registration.
To take advantage of same-day registration, voters must attest to their eligibility by signing a voter registration application and providing proof of residence.
During the early voting period, registered voters may update their name or address, but may not change their party affiliation.
To check your voter registration information and view your sample ballot when it is available, use the Voter Search tool.
Voters may also vote on Election Day, November 2, at their assigned precinct or cast an absentee-by-mail ballot, if their municipality offers absentee-by-mail voting. The deadline to request a ballot is October 26.
For an overview of the 2021 municipal elections, visit Upcoming Election.