Last Updated on February 17, 2023 9:29 am
The new afternoon pickup pattern for Valle Crucis School continues to work smoothly, and has eliminated a major traffic concern in the community. For years backups had been a concern, with traffic congestion reaching nearly back to The Mast Farm Inn at times. A new pattern was introduced nearly two weeks ago and it has gone smoothly, according to Principal Preston Clarke.
Principal Clarke, in an email to parents & guardians on Thursday September 8, said that the Watauga County Sheriff’s office had prompted the traffic change due to the heavy congestion and the safety of Valle Crucis students.
Clarke, in his third year at Valle Crucis, said in a school blog post, “Thanks to the new traffic pattern and a few adjustments to afternoon car pickup, the car line has flowed more smoothly at VC. The new traffic pattern has eased the frustrations of many concerned about the congestion from afternoon pickup. Thank you to VC parents and guardians for demonstrating patience with these changes.”
Photo: Preston Clarke