Last Updated on August 6, 2023 10:42 am
Joe Shannon’s Mountain Home Music is thrilled to be the recipient of the 2023 Jane Lonon Legacy Fund Grant.
The 2023 grant cycle attracted a pool of strong and diverse applicants with proposals for a wide variety of arts-related initiatives. After careful consideration, the committee awarded a $2,500 Jane Lonon Legacy Fund Grant to Joe Shannon’s Mountain Home Music Matinee Concert Series. The Matinees will be held at 2 PM on the fourth Tuesday of each month from June to October at the Ashe Civic Center.
The series will highlight these local and regional musicians:
June 27 – Southbound 77 (Modern youth bluegrass band ages 12 – 15 )
July 25 – Asa Nelson (multi-genre 17-year-old celebrated fiddle champ)
August 22 – Charles Welch (Doc Watson’s long-time friend and picking partner, singer-songwriter)
September 26 – Wilcox, Smith & Lane (Folk, classic rock, bluegrass, and more)
October 24 – Educated Guess (Jazz-funk fusion)
All matinees are “Pay as you Exit” with a suggested $10 donation. The series was designed to be both educational and interactive and to provide an affordable outlet for families, senior communities, area visitors, and anyone who prefers afternoon performances in an accessible and welcoming atmosphere.
Now in its fourth year, the Jane Lonon Legacy Fund was established to honor the dedication and hard work of Jane Lonon, retired Executive Director of the Ashe County Arts Council. The Legacy Fund grants money annually to projects that feature the fine arts, performing arts, or heritage arts that contribute to tourism and economic development and celebrate the heritage of Ashe County and the Appalachian region.
In that spirit, this series is part of an effort to encourage day trips to the area, and Mountain Home Music hopes regional activity directors, churches, schools, and summer camps in surrounding counties will let us help them plan a trip to the mountains that includes programming highlighting Appalachian culture. For recommendations to help plan your day, contact Executive Director, Courtney Wheeler, joeshannonsmountainhomemusic@gmail.com.
Since 1994, Joe Shannon’s Mountain Home Music has proudly celebrated Appalachian music, singing, storytelling, and dance, supporting working artists and providing accessible cross-generational arts experiences for High Country audiences.
More than 30 concerts, dances, and other events are on the JSMHM schedule for 2023. To learn more and for updates about upcoming events, visit mountainhomemusic.org and follow the organization on Facebook and Instagram.
Jane Lonon and Courtney Wheeler