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NewsCurrent Road Projects

Increased Traffic In Boone Friday & Weekend, Countywide Monday

Last Updated on August 15, 2013 4:34 pm

Motorist are highly encouraged to allow extra travel time around Boone starting on Friday (Aug 16,2013), as the first day for ASU on campus students to move in begins. Freshman move in is Friday followed by all other on campus students Saturday. Classes begin at ASU on Tuesday Aug 20, 2013.

Throughout Watauga County roads will once again be filled with school traffic as the start of the 2013-2014 year begins on Monday Aug 19. In a related school note, increased penalties await those that are caught passing a stopped school bus this year.

The new new red light on highway 105 in Boone will also be an area to keep an eye on for the next several weeks. Comments to the Roads facebook page are wondering what the impact of nearly 900 students trying to turn left or right from Poplar Grove will be. The red light itself is at the other end of Poplar Grove that joins 105. Facebook comments are wondering what the impact will be trying to turn left out of Highland Commons shopping center during busy times.

Bottom line is allow for extra travel time and plenty of patience over the next several weeks at least.

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