Avery CountyNews

Grandfather RD: Old House Gap Rd (FS192) closed starting 6/28

Last Updated on June 29, 2021 6:08 pm

The southern end of Old House Gap Road (FSR #192) between Roseboro Road (FSR #981) and Old House Gap Orchard (FSR #4062) in Avery County will temporarily close to motorized traffic starting Monday, June 28. The road will remain open to foot, non-motorized bike, and equestrian traffic.

Road repairs are needed to reduce sedimentation into Gragg Prong. This high-quality trout stream in the upper Wilson Creek area on the Grandfather Ranger District of Pisgah National Forest is impaired due to sediment coming off Old House Gap Road. Trout Unlimited is leading implementation of the restoration project in coordination with the U.S. Forest Service.

Work will take place at critical points along the entire stretch of the closed portion. Visitors should use caution near work sites. The road is expected to reopen to motorized traffic in the fall.

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