Last Updated on September 13, 2023 9:49 am
HICKORY — Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont is currently forming troops and recruiting new leaders for the new troop year this fall.
All girls in grades K-12 are invited to join.
Girls and their families who are interested in learning more about Girl Scouting and troop opportunities in their area can find out more information at Parkway School on Friday, September 16th at 6pm or at Boone United Methodist Church on Saturday, September 17th at 10am.
“Through the Girl Scout program, we prepare our girls for the future, giving them skills and experiences that will help them as they grow, learn and make decisions,” said Jennifer Wilcox, CEO of Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont. “We want our girls to be resilient, ready and strong for whatever may come their way, and with the opportunities and connections that Girl Scouting offers, we can be positive that will happen.”
Girls can participate in Girl Scouting in a troop setting or register as an individual Girl Scout. Either option allows girls opportunities to participate in council and community partnership programming, community service initiatives, the annual cookie program and much more.
Girl Scouts will be welcoming local girls at recruitment events in the next week. You can meet local leaders Monday, September 18th at 6pm at Boone Jaycee Park, Tuesday, September 19th at 6pm at Valle Crucis Park, and Thursday, September 21st at 6pm at Parkway School or Henson Chapel United Methodist Church. For more information about these events, email Amber Mellon at ambermellon@gmail.com.
Interested in being a volunteer? Volunteer opportunities range from being a troop leader for the year to volunteering on an episodic basis, where you can share a special skill or talent with girls as needed. More information about volunteering can be found at www.girlscoutsp2p.org/en/for-volunteers/why-volunteer.html.
Ready to join today? Visit www.BeAGirlScout.org. You can also find out more information about Girl Scouting in your area or starting a new troop by contacting info@girlscoutsp2p.org or 800-672-2148.