Last Updated on December 7, 2021 6:24 am
Raleigh, N.C. — Candidate filing for the U.S. House, N.C. House, and N.C. Senate will begin at 8 a.m. Tuesday, December 7, following a Monday evening reversal of an earlier order suspending filing for those offices: Download the court order (PDF).
The full North Carolina Court of Appeals Monday evening vacated the temporary stay issued earlier Monday by a three-judge panel of that court. That stay had meant that candidates for U.S. House, N.C. House, and N.C. Senate could not file their candidacy paperwork on Monday.
U.S. House candidates file with the State Board of Elections at the Exposition Center on the N.C. State Fairgrounds, located at 4285 Trinity Road, Raleigh, N.C. Candidates, guests, and members of the media should enter the Fairgrounds through Gate 9 on Trinity Road; they should exit through Gate 5 onto Youth Center Road. (See Fairgrounds map.)
Candidates for N.C. Senate and N.C. House file at their respective county board of elections office.
Candidates may file daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. through December 16, and from 8 a.m. to noon on the last day of filing, December 17.
Filing for all other offices continued Monday without interruption.
This announcement will be updated to reflect any further decision from the courts.