Last Updated on August 3, 2020 6:09 pm
[Sparta, NC] – AppHealthCare has confirmed and are continuing to investigate an outbreak of COVID-19 at Bottomley Evergreens and Farms. To date, there have been 102 confirmed cases and results are still
pending for some individuals. The majority of the positive cases are reporting no symptoms.
Last week a few cases of COVID-19 were at Bottomley Evergreens and Farms. The company requested
assistance from AppHealthCare and working together decided to test the entire workforce, testing 398
individuals late last week. This type of response testing is needed to determine how far the virus has
spread and prevent further transmission.
We appreciate the partnership with Bottomley Evergreens and Farms and have worked with them to
coordinate and offer testing and review existing safety protocols in place to protect employees.
COVID-19 spreads most commonly through respiratory droplets when someone coughs or sneezes and
is in close contact with others. When there is a confirmed case in a setting like Bottomley Evergreens
and Farms, we want to work quickly to offer testing to everyone since the virus can spread easily in
these environments due to people working and living in close proximity to others.
“Due to the nature of this virus, we are concerned with the number of individuals who are positive and
living and working within close proximity to others. We are continuing to work together with Bottomley
Evergreens and Farms to implement control measures to limit further spread of the virus. We have
provided public health and infection control guidance and will continue to work in partnership with
them to prevent further spread. We urge everyone to practice kindness and think of others by practicing
the 3Ws – wear a face covering, wait at least 6 feet from others and wash your hands often or use hand
sanitizer. These are actions that can be taken to prevent further spread and protect the Bottomley
Evergreens and Farms workers and the entire Alleghany County community,” stated Jennifer Greene,
Health Director, AppHealthCare.
“The health and safety of our employees and the community are our priority. We are working closely
with AppHealthCare to follow and adhere to public health and infection control guidance to prevent
further spread. Safety protocols include symptom screenings before every shift, education about the
spread of COVID-19 and providing protective equipment. We have isolated individuals who are sick and
those who have been determined as close contacts are in quarantine. We are committed to protecting our community and will do our part to prevent additional spread of this virus, “ stated Paul Harrison,
spokesperson for the company.
How to Protect Yourself
There are actions we can all take to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our communities. Show Your Love
for yourself and others by following the 3Ws when you leave your home and will be around others –
wear a cloth face covering, wash your hands and wait 6 feet from others.
● Wear a cloth face covering
● Wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer
● Wait at least 6 feet from others
● Stay home when you’re sick
● Keep distance from others who are sick
● Avoid touching your face
● Avoid crowded areas
● Clean and disinfect high touch surfaces in common areas like doorknobs, remotes, lightswitches,
tables and handles.
COVID-19 Symptoms
Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure. According to the Centers for Disease Control &
Prevention (CDC), people with COVID-19 have had a wide range of reported symptoms. These include:
● Fever or chills
● Cough
● Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
● Fatigue
● Muscle or body aches
● Headache
● New loss of taste or smell
● Sore throat
● Congestion or runny nose
● Nausea or vomiting
● Diarrhea
If you believe you may have been in close contact (6 feet or less for 15 minutes for more) with someone
known to have COVID-19, we would recommend you be tested and quarantine for 14 days from the last
exposure with the confirmed individual to prevent further spread of the virus in the community. During
this time, avoid contact with others, stay home and monitor for COVID-19 symptoms.
For more information related to COVID-19, including local data, visit AppHealthCare’s website here.
Our COVID-19 call center is available to take COVID-19 related calls during regular business hours – (828)
795-1970 and you can also email questions to preparedness@apphealth.com.