Last Updated on March 15, 2016 5:45 pm
On March 14, 2016, at approximately 4:30 am, the Boone Police Department responded to a suspicious vehicle call near the Carolina West Wireless store located within the Watauga Village Shopping Center. A Carolina West security officer observed two males acting suspiciously in the area of the store prior to calling the police.
Officers responded to find four males in a silver 4-door 2000 Volkswagen Passat behind the business. Officers made contact and noticed suspicious items in the car to include pry bars, multiple pairs of gloves, a large saw, and bandannas tied in such a way that one could use for concealment of their identity. The men were detained and an investigation began. The descriptions of the men and the tools were consistent with what has been seen on video surveillance at crime scenes in various other locations in North Carolina.
The four men were interviewed at the Boone Police Department. After these interviews, all four individuals were arrested and taken before a Magistrate at the Watauga County Magistrate’s Office. The below listed suspects were each arrested and charged with the listed crimes below.
“Cellular telephone stores have recently been getting burglarized all over our state. We are teaming up with other law enforcement agencies to determine if these individuals are responsible for more of these break-ins. These arrests are not the end of our investigation. This investigation is ongoing.” – Dana Crawford, Chief of Police

King Savior Black
B/M, DOB 02-01-1993, 814 Green Oaks Street, Greensboro, NC, 27401
(1) count of Felony Attempted Breaking or Entering a Building
(1) count of Felony Possession of Burglary Tools
(1) count of Felony Conspiracy to Commit Breaking or Entering a Building
$20,000 secured bond, court date 5/16/2016

Rico Joshua Corde
B/M, DOB 03-06-1994, 701 Franklin Boulevard Greensboro, NC, 27401
(1) count of Felony Attempted Breaking or Entering a Building
(1) count of Felony Possession of Burglary Tools
(1) count of Felony Conspiracy to Commit Breaking or Entering a Building
$20,000 secured bond, court date 5/16/2016

Pierre Le-Lawton Little
B/M, DOB 03-22-1994, 1213 Nealtown Road, Greensboro, NC, 27401
(1) count of Felony Attempted Breaking or Entering a Building
(1) count of Felony Possession of Burglary Tools
(1) count of Felony Conspiracy to Commit Breaking or Entering a Building
$20,000 secured bond, court date 5/16/2016

Matthew Lee Jones III,
B/M, DOB 04-02-1986, 751 Jennifer Street, Greensboro, NC, 27401
(1) count of Felony Attempted Breaking or Entering a Building
(1) count of Felony Possession of Burglary Tools
(1) count of Felony Conspiracy to Commit Breaking or Entering a Building
$20,000 secured bond, court date 5/16/2016
-Also, served with an outstanding arrest warrant from Greensboro PD for one count of Misdemeanor Injury to Personal Property. Court date of 4/05/16 and $750.00 secured bond.