Last Updated on March 2, 2016 5:53 pm
Each year the Boone Police Department recognizes outstanding service to the community by their sworn and civilian employees by awarding an Officer of the Year and an Employee of the Year. The recipients are chosen by the Chief of Police from nominations from the members of the police department.

For 2015, the Officer of the Year is Sergeant Matt Stevens.
Matt joined the Boone Police Department in August of 1997 as a Telecommunicator. In May of 1999, Matt joined the Patrol Division as a Police Officer. Since then, Matt has served as a Criminal Investigator and most recently as the Department Forensic Digital Evidence Technician. In the narrative nominating Matt for 2015 Officer of the Year, it was noted that he has gone above and beyond performing his assigned duties and has tackled some major projects for the benefit of the Police Department in 2015. These projects included modernizing our alarm ordinance into a workable, enforceable town ordinance. This required extensive research and evaluation on Matt's part.
Matt also supervised the Communications Center for several months after the retirement of the prior communications director until a suitable replacement could be hired. Matt has demonstrated his desire to support the mission and objectives of the Police Department on a daily basis. Matt often helps out on patrol when needed, and often volunteers to take walk-in cases involving financial or computer related crimes reducing the caseload of the Criminal Investigations Unit. Matt exemplifies initiative and willingness to serve. Matt is a graduate of the Federal Bureau of Investigations prestigious National Academy. In presenting the award is was noted that the department is fortunate to have Matt as a co-worker, friend, and leader.

The 2015 Employee of the Year award is given to Telecommunicator Kayla Trivette.
Kayla joined the Boone Police Department Communications Division in November of 2011. Since that time Kayla has been a model employee. Her nomination narrative notes that her handling of communications from callers and officers is always complete and accurate. Kayla has kept up with changes in the field of telecommunications, technology, and policy by going the extra step and completing all suggested training, not just the minimum requirements.
In presenting the award is was noted that Kayla is a team player and is committed to supporting the mission and goals of the Communications division and the Police Department as a whole. The citizens and emergency responders in Boone are fortunate to have someone as dedicated and caring as Kayla serving them.