
Boone Clean Up Day & Litter Sweep Begins Saturday, Clean Up Along Streets & Streams

Last Updated on September 17, 2015 5:15 pm

The Town of Boone wishes to invite and encourage all citizens to join the hundreds of volunteers making a conscious decision to promote community pride while enhancing Boone’s natural beauty and quality of life.  These dedicated volunteers will be seen along Boone streets and streams for the statewide “Litter Sweep” during a two-week period beginning September 19th through October 3rd.  The Town of Boone kicks off the sweep with the biannual “Boone Clean-up Day” on Saturday, September 19th clearing unsightly litter that has accumulated along our streets and streams during the summer.

Town of Boone residents may participate by cleaning their premises, placing rubbish curbside and calling the Public Works Department (828) 268-6230 for free convenient removal during the sweep.

The Town of Boone will also be awarding monetary prizes to the winners of the “Most Unusual Litter Contest”.  You may enter the contest by bringing unusual litter found along the roadsides and in the streams within the town limits to the Public Works Center on “Boone Clean-up Day”.  Come join us from 12:00pm-1:00pm for free refreshments and to share fun community fellowship.

Interested participants may come by the Town of Boone Public Works Center located at 321 East King Street between 8:00 am – 1:00 pm to pick up cleaning supplies or you may choose to pick up supplies prior to the event.

For more information and to register for the event, contact Boone’s Community Improvement Officer Shannon Isaacs at (828)268-6230.

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