
ASU All Clear Given

Last Updated on October 10, 2011 6:30 pm has posted that “All clear (6:26pm Oct. 10, 2011)

“The Dale Street and State Farm areas are no longer restricted to traffic or parking. Students who need to retrieve their vehicles from the State Farm lot may now do so.
Posted: 6:26pm, Monday, October 10, 2011
All clear (6:18pm Oct. 10, 2011)
A specialized law enforcement team from the Wilkes County Sheriff's Office has detonated a suspicious device that was found at Appalachian State University's Physical Plant this afternoon (Monday, Oct. 11). The detonation occurred at 5:47 p.m. Officials from Wilkes County determined it was not an explosive device.

University Police arrived on the scene shortly before 2 p.m. after Physical Plant staff discovered the suspicious device. Boone Police and the Boone Fire Department, and the Hazardous Devices Team from Wilkes County also were dispatched to the scene located on Dale Street just off State Farm Road, which is approximately two miles from the main campus.”

University Police will continue to investigate the incident.

All employees working in a 500-foot area surrounding the Physical Plant building were evacuated, and access to Dale Street as well as the student parking lot off State Farm Road was prohibited until 6:02 p.m. when it was determined the device was not harmful.

“Physical Plant employees followed appropriate university protocols. I would like to commend their professional response, as well as that of area law enforcement, fire and medical personnel who responded,” said Capt. Douglas Dugger from the University Police Department.

Faculty, staff and students on the main campus were notified by email and by a message posted on the university's homepage to avoid the area off State Farm Road.
Posted: 6:19pm, Monday, October 10, 2011″


The Watauga Democrat reports that “AS OF 6:25 p.m.:
Chancellor Kenneth Peacock has confirmed that what appeared to be a bomb was located in a staff locker inside the physical plant. He said a squad arrived to examine and safely detonate any explosive but found that there were no actual explosive materials in the device. Law enforcement officers are still investigating the matter.”

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