
AppHealthCare announces vaccine appointments open to all adults

Last Updated on March 30, 2021 7:02 pm

AppHealthCare has announced that COVID-19 vaccine appointments are open to all adults.

In a Facebook post on Tuesday morning the agency said,”We are excited to announce that vaccine appointments are open to Group 5 in Alleghany, Ashe and Watauga Counties. This means appointments are now open for those who want a vaccine within the age requirements.”

The announcement went on to state that the Pfizer vaccine is approved for people age 16-17 and all other vaccines are approved for 18 and older.

If you are interested in scheduling your appointment, visit or call the Call Center at (828) 795-1970.

Vaccine appointments will be added to AppHealthCare's website as they are available based on vaccine supply so continue to check back regularly for additional appointments to be added.

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