Last Updated on October 2, 2022 6:00 pm
“Effective immediately, Appalachian State University is extending Spring Break until 8am on March 23. The university remains open.” That's the update from the Appalachian State coronavirus update site on Wednesday night.
The updated information goes on to say:
Remote work and other employment considerations:
• Employees whose schedules may be affected by the Spring Break extension will receive follow up communications.
• If a case of COVID-19 is reported in the App State community, should follow the procedures for people who contract COVID-19 or are exposed to the virus. More information here.
Classroom Instruction:
• Beginning Monday, March 16, through Friday, March 20 all undergraduate and graduate classes are canceled.
• Beginning Monday, March 23, online classes will continue as scheduled.
• On March 23, App State will transition from in-person instruction to alternative course delivery methods. Students will be provided with further instructions by March 18.
Labs, Practicums, Seminars, Studios, Capstones, Music, Theatre and Productions, Internships and Clinicals:
• Faculty are developing plans for these specific learning opportunities and will provide further guidance to students.
• All students should work with their internship coordinator and follow the guidance of the employers that they are working with regarding reporting to their internship or clinical.
Instructional Resources:
The Center for Academic Excellence offers resources to help faculty with learning technologies:
• Keep Teaching Guide to help faculty make a shift to online teaching on short notice
• Instructional Technology Consultant staff list
Study Abroad:
• App State has assessed its ability to recall all students currently studying abroad and will announce decisions about current and summer study abroad programs.
On Campus Housing:
• Students living in residence halls are encouraged to remain at home or off campus. We understand this may not be possible or prudent for everyone. If you have special circumstances that require you to return to a residence hall, please contact University Housing. Contact information is here.
Campus Activities, Events and Conferences:
• Effective immediately, all events with 100 or more in-person participants, including those events sponsored by student organizations and those organized by outside community partners on the App State campus, are canceled or postponed until otherwise directed or authorized in writing by the Chancellor or Provost. Organizers should consider offering their events via alternative methods if possible.
• No new non-essential, in-person events of groups of 100 more participants should be scheduled until further notice.
Intercollegiate Athletics:
• Athletic directors and teams are instructed to follow the guidance of their respective athletic conferences.
University-related Travel:
• Effective immediately, university-sponsored travel outside the state of North Carolina, or within the state to gatherings of 100 or more people, is suspended. This includes student organizations.
Personal Travel:
• App State strongly discourages travel to areas with active community transmission. Please note those who travel out of the country may have difficulty re-entering the United States. Please utilize the following resources to assist in making personal travel decisions:
The CDC travel webpage
The State Department travel advisory webpage
The International Air Transport Association’s list of travel restrictions
Return to Campus:
• Any university community member returning to campus from an affected area (read about CDC Levels 2 and 3 here) should self-quarantine for 14 days before returning to work or school on campus, in consultation with their health care provider. This self-quarantine should, if possible, occur at the individual’s home, away from campus. Taking such steps is part of acting as responsible members of the community.
• Employees who self-quarantine should communicate with their supervisors about working remotely during their period of quarantine.