Last Updated on September 9, 2022 10:32 am
The Town of Boone has completed its search for a new Town Manager. Amy Davis, Finance
Director for the Town of Boone, was named interim Town Manager during the March 8th, 2022
Boone Town Council meeting. After an extensive nationwide search, the Town of Boone has
officially named Amy Davis as the new Town Manager of Boone, during the September 7th
Special Meeting of the Boone Town Council.
“Thank you for the opportunity and confidence you have shown in me. We have the best staff in
town, period. Thank you for giving me this time during transition, and for allowing me to go
forward.” Amy Davis, newly appointed Town Manager stated.
While we have had multiple female elected officials, and two women elected as Mayor, Amy
Davis will serve as Boone’s first female Town Manager. Amy has served as the Finance Director
for the town since 2004, and has worked for the Town for 22 years. During this time, Amy is
excited about working towards the completion of the Howard Street project and working on town
facility needs. Additionally, Amy will be focusing on sustainable initiatives throughout the town
of Boone, as well as working on issues regarding employee recruitment and retention.
“Amy, thank you so much and we look forward to continuing to work with you.“ Mayor Tim
Futrelle stated. Mayor Pro-Tem Edie Tugman also thanked Human Resources Director, Dale
Presnell, and Town Attorney, Allison Meade, for their time and expertise they gave during the
Town Manager search.
In addition to appointing Amy Davis as the Town Manager for Boone, the Boone Town Council
also discussed the Boone-Blowing Rock Interconnect Emergency Water Supply Agreement,
which the Town of Blowing Rock has requested to be amended. In regards to this, the Town has
stated, “On the Blowing Rock interconnect issue, the Boone Town Council has agreed to have
further discussion with Blowing Rock, and anticipates that there will be public discussions in the