Last Updated on August 7, 2022 6:36 pm
The annual William Mast Jr. Memorial Motorcycle Ride takes place this coming weekend.
This years ride takes place on Saturday, August 13, with registration from 9:00 am to 11:00 am at Watauga High School, 300 Go Pioneers Drive in Boone.
It is in memory of Watauga County Deputy William Mast Jr., who was shot and killed while responding to a call in the early morning hours of July 26, 2012. Organizers of the ride announced last year that they were adding two more fallen deputies to the scholarship list, Sgt. Chris Ward and K-9 Deputy Logan Fox. “We are so honored to do this for our community and also, to grant 2 extra scholarships to deserving seniors each year.” the organizers stated. Both Ward and Fox were killed during a welfare check on April 28, 2021.
Even if you don't own or ride a motorcycle you are invited to come out to enjoy the fellowship and food.
This year's route is:
Leave Watauga High School
Turn Left at light onto Highway 421 North
Turn Left at 105 Extension
Continue on 105 then turn onto 105 Bypass
Turn Left at the light onto 421/Boone Mountain
Turn left onto 321 at SkateWorld
Follow 321 to Bethel Road and turn right.
Follow Bethel Road to Beaver Dam Road and take a left
Follow Beaver Dam Road to 421 and turn right toward Boone.
Proceed on 421 through Downtown Boone back to Watauga High School.
Signs will be posted at all road turns.
The cost is:
$25 for a single rider includes meal and a T-shirt.
$40 for double riders includes 2 meals and 2 T-shirts.
Even if you don't ride you are invited to come out to enjoy the fellowship and food.
All proceeds go to a scholarship at Watauga High School in memory of William Mast Jr., Pat Baker, Sgt. Chris Ward and K-9 Deputy Logan Fox.
For more information contact the organizers on their Facebook page.