
March 28-April 1, 2016 Traffic Reports

Last Updated on March 27, 2016 10:23 am

Monday March 28

Limited construction operations are scheduled this morning on 321 in Blowing Rock due to current rainy weather and wet pavement conditions.

Tuesday March 29

Lane closures/flagging operations are scheduled this morning on 321 in Blowing Rock from just north of Tanger Outlets to Sunset Dr for the next traffic shift/split. SLOW DOWN & STAY ALERT THROUGH THIS AREA!! Crews and construction equipment will be concentrated in this section of the project this morning installing various traffic control devices and pavement markings in order to extend the split traffic pattern from West Cornish St to Tanger Outlets.

Beginning today, southbound traffic will be shifted onto the new alignment from Tanger Outlets to US 321 Bus/S. Main St. This shift places northbound and southbound traffic in their respective outside lanes relative to the median. All traffic exiting businesses along this section of the project will now be required to turn right when entering #US321. Traffic needing to turn left will be required to first turn right, then travel to the nearest crossover in order to make a U-Turn. This design feature will provide much safer traffic flow through the area. Drivers are encouraged to initially allow extra time while traveling to and through this area in order to become familiar with this new traffic pattern.

Wednesday March 30

Traffic shift for both northbound and southbound lanes of 321 in Blowing Rock went live yesterday. More details here.

Paving on Shulls Mill Road. Traffic down to one lane as they use a guide truck to get motorist through. Some delays but traffic is moving.

2:54pm – Expect some delays on 105 near Watauga River Bridge due to fender bender.

Thursday March 31

7:52am March 31 – Traffic accident unrelated to construction project on 321 in Blowing Rock closes road at Greenpark Inn.

Disabled vehicle blocking 321 in Blowing Rock cleared, road reopens.

Friday April 1

No construction project related traffic impacts on 321 in Blowing Rock today.

10:37am – Expect possible delays on 321 south below Blowing Rock. Wreck involving 3 vehicles & a motorhome per incoming report.

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