
AppalCART Announces New Routes & Schedules Beginning August 20, 2018

Last Updated on August 14, 2018 1:00 pm

AppalCART recently announced changes to their to fixed route service, which will take effect on Monday August 20.

Among the changes are the format of route maps and schedules.  The new system map displays all of the stop locations and the routes that serve each stop location.  The schedule for each route is displayed on the reverse side of the map. Stop times have been listed for key stops along each route.  If a time is not listed for your stop location, then plan to arrive at your stop at the time listed for the key stop located just prior to your stop.

For Example:

If your stop location is ASU Technology, you should identify the first key stop location prior to your stop, which is ASU Peacock Traffic Circle, and plan to arrive at your stop location at :23 or :53 to make sure you are able to board that bus.

Redesigned Routes – Many of our Routes and Schedules have been redesigned to help them run on-time and more efficiently.  Please look at the new map and schedules to see how the changes will effect you.

New Sunday Service –  The Green, Red, and Pop105 will run from 12 PM – 8 PM on Sundays during the Fall and Spring Semesters.  The NC 105 Lot Shuttle will run from 4 PM – 1:30 AM on Sundays during the Fall and Spring Semesters.

ASU NC 105 Lot – Served by Silver Route until 6 PM weekdays.  After 6 PM on weekdays and Saturdays, served by the Green Route. The NC 105 Lot Shuttle will provide access on Fridays from 4 PM until 10 PM and Sundays from 4 PM until 1:30 AM. Stops include Trivette Hall, Mountaineer Hall, Hoey Hall, and the ASU NC 105 Lot.

Old Bristol Rd (Kensington Meadows) – Served by the Silver Route until 6 PM weekdays. After 6 PM on weekdays, Saturday, and Sunday, served by the Red Route.  Access to the Red Route on weekdays prior to 6 PM can be obtained at the George Wilson Rd / Vet Hospital stop on US 421.

Stadium Lot – Service will no longer be provided to the Stadium Lot due to construction. Passengers will be able to access the NC 105 Lot Shuttle at the Trivette bus shelter.

Wellness District Shuttle – Service from 7 AM until 10 PM weekdays during the Fall and Spring semesters.  The shuttle begins in the State Farm Lot with stops at Boone Heights, Applebee’s, Watauga Medical Center, ASU College of Health Sciences, and ASU Annex / Parks & Rec. The route will have a 10 minute headway.

ASU College of Health Sciences – Served by the Wellness District Shuttle, Red Route, and Express Route.

NC 105 Extension & Brown Brothers Apartments – Served by the Red Route (new).

University Hall – The stop has moved to the bottom of University Drive due to the closing of the Pink Route.

Pink Route – No longer exists.  Most stops are served by other routes except no service along Winklers Creek Rd.

Gold Route- Revised route.  Will only run after 6 PM on weekdays.

Horn in the West – The stop is moving to the opposite side of the road and will be served by the State Farm Route.

Hoey Hall – Passengers will need to utilize the College St Circle stop to access AppalCART routes except for Gold in the evenings. The Dan'l Boone Inn stop is also an option.

ASU Child Care Center – We are working with ASU to provide a shuttle service during specific times of the day.

Mountaineer Village – Orange Route until 6 PM weekdays.  Served by the Green Route after 6 PM on weekdays, Saturday, and Sunday.

Village of Meadowview – There will be 10 minute headway service on the Purple Route until 3 PM, then it decreases to 15 minute headway service.  The Purple Route ends at 6 PM and the Express Route will serve the Village of Meadowview and Greenway Rd going towards ASU.

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