Watauga County SchoolsNews

WHS to to host transition activities for rising 9th graders

Last Updated on June 23, 2021 2:09 pm

In an effort to build community with our 9th graders in their transition to high school, there will be a common read for all freshmen!  The selected book is Refugee (by Alan Gratz), and it will be incorporated into different lessons and activities in courses across the curriculum.  We definitely encourage parents to read the book as well because it can lead to great discussions with your child! A free copy of the hardcover book (and a bookmark) is being provided to all students!  

Students who have not already picked up their copy should plan to get their book from their K-8 feeder school any day Monday-Thursday until July 1st. For students who did not attend one of the public Watauga County Schools, you may pick up your copy at Watauga High School. This book is for ALL freshmen to read and enjoy!

“Freshman Orientation” will be Thursday, August 12th for students AND parents!  Please plan to come at your scheduled time based on the student’s last name.  

8:30-10:30 a.m.A – G
11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.H – O
1:30-3:30 p.m.P – Z

Orientation will include:

  • Opening session in the auditorium; 
  • Chromebook pick-up;
  • Distribution of schedules and packets;
  • Time to walk around, find classes, and find out (through QR codes on the teachers’ doors) what supplies will be needed in each class;
  • Opportunity to meet W.H.S. support personnel;
  • Stations to find out information about some of the resources provided;
  • Entertainment by groups of very talented students!

Students/parents will be expected to wear masks during Orientation.  If you have any specific questions, you may contact Leigh Lyall (9th Grade Counselor) at (lyallkl@wataugaschools.org). 

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