
Water Main Break Occurs Sunday Morning In a Section of Boone

Last Updated on July 28, 2019 9:12 am

UPDATE: Here's the Boil Water Advisory from AppHealthCare/Appalachian District Health Department. Click here to view the Advisory.

UPDATE: Here's the boil water advisory from the Town of Boone:

At approximately 7:15 am this morning the Town of Boone experienced a eight inch water main break along Meadowview Drive. The highway is currently closed but it is anticipated to be reopened by 3:00 pm. Due to this break, a water system pressure loss occurred throughout the entire Town and due to this, a Boil Water Advisory is issued to the Town customers. We are advising all water consumers to boil all water used for human consumption (including drinking, making ice, brushing teeth, washing dishes and food preparation) or use bottled water. Vigorous boiling for one (1) minute should kill any disease-causing organisms that may be present in the water. This office is strongly urging the water consumers to conserve water whenever possible. This advisory remains in effect until further written notification is issued.

Water Customers may experience some “banging” in the pipes when water service is restored.  This is due to air that has entered the pipes.  It is no cause for alarm.  Also, the water may appear cloudy.  This is also caused by air in the pipes.  What you see are actually many tiny air bubbles.  This discoloration should clear up after the water runs for a few minutes.

We apologize for any inconvenience you experience and assure you this Boil Advisory is unavoidable. We appreciate your understanding, and cooperation to this matter.  Please feel free to contact us at (828) 268-6900 or (828) 268-6999 should you have any further questions, or require any assistance. 

There is a water main break in the area of Meadowview/Rogers Dr, people are experiencing no/low water all throughout town, the Water Dept has been dispatched, according to Boone Police.

The Water Department estimates that the water main break should be fixed in approximately 7 hours. Accounts in the immediate area will be without water for this amount of time, accounts outside of this area should start gaining water back once the pressure builds back up.

The Water Department is expected to issue a Boil Advisory & Meadowview Dr will be closed in the area of Rogers Dr to Zeb Street During the repair.

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