
Water Intake Project Update #9

Last Updated on November 16, 2017 1:53 pm

*Town of Boone Press Release*

On Feb. 13, 2017 the Harper Corporation and Garney Construction Company, Inc. were provided with the Notice to Proceed on the Boone Water Line, Water Treatment Plant, Intake and Booster Pump Station Project. The following is a project update and notice of any upcoming road closures. There are currently 274 days remaining in the project contracts.

The Harper Corporation continues to complete items at the water treatment plant, the water intake site and at the Brownwood Road booster pump station. Dewatering systems remain in place and in operation at the intake site. New chemical tanks have been installed at the water plant. Road construction into the intake site is underway.

The Garney Construction Company continues to compete items on Brownwood Road, HWY 421 and along New River Hills. The water transmission line along the Boone Greenway is complete and has passed quality control testing.  Over 1,500 linear feet of waterline has been installed along Brownwood Road. Crews are currently completing the small section between HWY 421 and the Booster Pump Station on Brownwood Road and expect this to be complete before Thanksgiving. Over 2,900 linear feet of water line has been installed along HWY 421. It is anticipated that all road barriers along HWY 421 can removed before Thanksgiving. Crews are currently working on the river bore at New River Hills near the Hospitality House. Moving forward, crews will then focus tying in the sections of water line adjacent to bored river crossings.

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