
Watauga Sheriff: Another Successful Operation Medicine Cabinet Completed

Last Updated on October 18, 2018 6:03 pm

On October 13th, 2018, the Watauga County Sheriff’s Office in coordination with Boone PD, Blowing Rock PD, Town of Boone Public Utilities, Western Youth Network of Boone, and volunteers from WSAP performed their 11th bi-annual drug drop-off.

The drug drop-off was started in October of 2010 with the purpose of safely removing prescription and nonprescription drugs that are no longer in use so that they will not be available for misuse or discarded improperly, which could affect ground water.

Prescription pills, nonprescription pills, and liquids were collected from four different locations throughout Watauga County.  A total of 2369.5 ounces of prescription and nonprescription drugs were collected.  This included 21.1 ounces of Opioids, 1.5 ounces of stimulants, and 26.3 ounces of Benzodiazepines; 272.04 ounces of liquid prescription and nonprescription medication were collected as well.

This successful execution was dependent upon the following people who volunteered to assist in the event:

Mike Barefoot from Blowing Rock PD

Mike Fox from Blowing Rock PD

April Gunther from Boone PD

Carrie Phillips from Town of Boone Public Utilities

Elisa Phillips from Town of Boone Public Utilities

Barbara Payne from Watauga County Sheriff’s Office

John Price from Watauga County Sheriff’s Office

Sarah Fetterolf from Watauga County Sheriff’s Office

Sgt. Casey Miller from Watauga County Sheriff’s Office

Lt. Wes Hawkins from Watauga County Sheriff’s Office

Gail Pinkham from Watauga Substance Abuse Prevention

Sherry Perry from Watauga Substance Abuse Prevention

Lindsey Stockman from Western Youth Network of Boone

Tommy Boyd from Western Youth Network of Boone

The next drug drop-off is currently being planned for the Spring of 2019.

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