Last Updated on December 24, 2019 4:30 pm
Watauga Medics began using their latest base on Tuesday. Base 3, located near the intersection of 321 and 421, will cut down on response times to the western end of the county.
In 2014 Watauga County Commissioners purchased 13 acres, of which the ambulance station now sits on a piece of, for $102,000. The base came about after years of discussions on how to decrease response times to the western portion of the county. In 2013 data put together for the Watauga County Commissioners showed that Beaver Dam, Zionville, Cove Creek and Shawneehaw fire districts had the slowest ambulance response times due to their distance from the nearest ambulance base in Boone.
The company posted the announcement of using the base on their Facebook page.