Watauga County SchoolsNews

Watauga High School graduation to move to Holmes Convocation Center

Last Updated on May 17, 2021 4:12 pm

BOONE — Watauga High School will hold a graduation ceremony for the Class of 2021 at 5 p.m. on Friday, May 28 at the Holmes Convocation Center on the campus of Appalachian State University. 

The school system previously announced that graduation ceremonies would be held in the high school stadium. Recent loosening of statewide restrictions on large gatherings allowed the school to move the ceremony to its traditional venue at the convocation center and will not require a limited number of guests for each student. 

Watauga County Schools and Appalachian State University request that guests follow NCDHSS guidelines on masks and large gatherings that can be found online at https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/information/individuals-families-and-communities/face-coverings-and-masks.

Watauga County Schools Superintendent Scott Elliott thanked Appalachian State University for allowing WHS to hold its graduation ceremony at the Convocation Center after statewide regulations were changed last week.

“We want to thank App State for their quick work in allowing us to hold graduation on campus after the recent changes in state guidelines,” Elliott said. “Graduation is such a special moment for our students and their families, and we are so happy to be able to return to the Holmes Convocation Center for our ceremony.”

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