
Watauga County Schools to end school year on Friday May 29, 2020

Last Updated on April 24, 2020 2:27 pm

Watauga County Schools will end the school year on Friday, May 29, 2020, according to an email sent to parents and families by Superintendent Scott Elliott. The full letter is below.

I am writing to update you on the announcement from Gov. Cooper regarding plans for the remainder of the school year. By order of the Governor, all schools in NC will continue with remote learning for the remainder of the school year. Students will not return to campus for in-person classes until the start of next school year.  We are very sad that we will not see our students in person back in school, but we will continue to support our students through remote learning for the remainder of the school year and help students be as prepared as possible for next year. 

Based on the Governor's decision, I have decided to end our remote learning and school year for students on Friday, May 29. The remaining days in the school calendar will be utilized by teachers and school staff members to begin preparations for the start of next school year. More information will be sent to teachers about those plans soon. 

We will continue our remote learning until the end of May with an emphasis on providing students with the support needed to prepare for next school year. Parents are asked to visit our K-8 schools this Tuesday, April 28 between 10 AM – 1 PM or 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM to return any printed learning materials and to pick up the next set of materials. Parents do not need to visit WHS for materials. 

Also, we plan to provide some kind of end of year experience for our seniors to recognize and celebrate their graduation. This will look different from a traditional graduation ceremony due to the current restrictions on mass gatherings, but we do plan to hold some sort of recognition by the end of May or first week of June. Watauga High School will share more information about graduation very soon.

Finally, our free meal program for children will continue for as long as we can afford to operate the program. These meals are for children ages 18 and under. 

Thank you for your ongoing patience and support with us throughout this time. We miss all our students more than I can express in words and look forward to seeing everyone back in school in August. 

Please be in touch with our teachers and principals about how we can support your students and families.

Very sincerely,

Scott Elliott


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