Last Updated on December 11, 2024 2:41 pm
Despite the challenges experienced in Western North Carolina as a result of Hurricane Helene, there has been a large outpouring of support, love and joy. For Watauga County Schools, this has been shown through generous donations by locals and kind-hearted people from around the United States.
In the weeks that followed Helene, our schools were hubs for their families and the community to pick up food and supplies. The items that filled gymnasiums were provided by individuals, organizations, nonprofits, churches, etc. and they were extremely appreciated.
As WCS focused on its re-entry plan, these areas of the schools needed to be cleared in order to welcome back students. Administrators and staff worked hard to ensure families and community members had everything they needed and then some. Watauga High School had opened a Care Closet which was organized by Athletes for Good. They received an overwhelming amount of support and donations. A large portion of the donations that were left over were sent to other areas of the county or to neighbors in other counties who were in need.
The district office received many phone calls from other schools in the state and throughout the country who heard about the impact Hurricane Helene had on our area. Superintendent Alexander and many other district leaders received emails from those reaching out who wanted to know how to help. As inquiries continued to flow in, it was determined that main contacts/liaisons from the district office were needed. Director of Communications/Community Relations Bailey Little and Director of Middle Grades Education Meredith Jones became the points of contact for any individuals, organizations, groups, etc. that wished to support WCS. Ms. Little and Mrs. Jones have been keeping in contact with school administrators and staff members to determine what needs there are at their school and pair them with donors based on what support they can offer.
“It has been such a heartwarming experience to connect with genuinely kind people who want to support our students, families and school communities,” Little said. “Those who have delivered these items have been very intentional in their communications and thoughtful in rounding up the items to ensure they aid in the relief and recovery of our schools, students and families. At the district office we have received books, backpacks, water bottles, lunchboxes, coats, blankets and many toys. We have then been able to collaborate as an office and connect with staff members at the schools to determine what items we have that can help their school community.”
John T. Hoggard High School
Hoggard High School, located in Wilmington, NC held a successful donation drive for Mabel School and the Zionville Community. Principal Elin Reuben's former collage Kendra Harrison is one of the assistant principals. Ms. Harrison and Mr. Hunter Moody (AP Calculus teacher, Varsity Defensive Line Coach, advisor for Hoggard's National Honor Society and Beta Club sponor) teamed up to lead these efforts. The result was a U-Haul full of various supplies that Coach Moody delivered personally by driving up to Mabel School one afternoon. Mrs. Reuben and several of her staff members were very excited and helped unload all of the items. Thank you, Hoggard High School!

After Coach Moody arrived with the U-Haul from Wilmington, NC, Mrs. Reuben and the Mabel School staff members who helped unload the delivery posed for a photo together.

Items collected through the donation drive at Hoggard High School were plentiful and filled the interior of the U-Haul!

Mrs. Reuben and Coach Moody pose for a photo together in front of several of the boxes of donations.
Mary Square
Thank you to CEO Kelly Shiley, Elyse Darling and Patsy Alley for working in collaboration to donate hundreds of backpacks, lunchboxes and water bottles for WCS students from Mary Square’s kids line.
Patsy Alley was a Kindergarten and First grade teacher at Mabel School for over 20 years and has a special place in her heart for WCS youngsters. She and Ms. Darling, who drove the U-Haul from Raleigh containing all of the precious items for students, visited the Central Office on Oct. 18 to help unload them with CO administrators and staff.
Since receiving them at the CO, we have made additional deliveries to three of our K-8 schools where these items are sure to make children smile! It is so appreciated that we now have these items available to any of our elementary students in need of them.

Elyse Darling and Jeff Younce prepared to begin unloading the U-Haul at the WCS Central Office.

Bailey Little and Meredith Jones holding two of the backpacks that were provided by Mary Square.

Loyce Warren and Monica Parsons pose for a photo together after receiving enough backpacks for their Pk-2 students at Mabel School.

SRO James Parker and Ricky Ward pose for a photo together after receiving enough backpacks for their Pk-2 students at Bethel School.
Johnia Berry Memorial Toy Drive
Blowing Rock resident Jocelyn Lacey serves as a board member for the organization “Hope for Victims.” Each year, this organization sponsors the Johnia Berry Memorial Toy Drive. Toys are distributed to nonprofits and schools in Northeast Tennessee and Southwest Virginia each year on December 6th, which is the anniversary of Johnia’s death. This year, the board wanted to help children in Watauga have a Christmas they deserve after the devastation of Helene.
What an incredible way to honor Johnia's legacy and also bring joy to many of our students and families this holiday season. Thank you Mrs. Lacey and Hope for Victims for making a difference!

Cove Creek and Green Valley School social worker Heather Holbrook and her intern Paige pose for a photo with some of the toys they collected from the Central Office from the Johnia Berry Memorial Toy Drive to give to students at Cove Creek School.

From Left: Dr. Gary Childers, Meredith Jones, Jocelyn Lacey, Dr. Leslie Alexander and Bailey Little. Mrs. Lacey and Dr. Alexander are holding the children's book that Mrs. Lacey wrote in honor of Johnia Berry, which tells the touching story of her life, legacy and the creation of the Johnia Berry Memorial Toy Drive.
Team Hope
On Nov. 26 two vehicles arrived at the Central Office containing toys for our students to receive extra joy this holiday season. The gracious and generous visitors were Caleb, Lindsey and Morgan Dunnam of George County, Mississippi and Donna Miller of Watauga County. Ms. Miller and her family are part of the Parkway School community.
The Dunnams and Ms. Miller are all connected through Team Hope, which is a disaster relief organization that travels throughout the United States to provide support after natural disasters. It is based out of Mississippi. The Dunnams traveled for approximately 12 hours to complete the trip to Watauga.
Thank you so much for delivering these items which were provided by caring individuals who heard about the storm’s impact on our community. They will make many of our local children smile!
The Dunnam Family from Mississippi The Dunnam family and Donna Miller.
From Left: Caleb, Lindsey and Morgan