Last Updated on May 25, 2022 1:09 pm
The Watauga County School system wraps up the 2021-2022 school year on Thursday. WataugaOnline.com reached out to Superintendent Dr. Scott Elliott to get some thoughts on the year.
“As the end of the school year is upon us, I want to thank all the students, parents, and educators for working together to make this a great school year. Even with the pandemic continually rearing its head throughout the year, we were able to have a largely normal school year with all the normal activities and lots of incredible student achievements. I am very proud of our students for all the many things they have accomplished this year.” he said.
He also mention the early end date. “We are ending the school year the earliest that any of us can ever remember. We are ending the year with a full 180 days of school thanks to some winter weather that mostly impacted the area over weekends and not so much during the school week. We also used only four days of remote instruction, but that saved us nearly a full week of school we did not have to make up at the end of the year.”
And this will be a longer summer too as Dr. Elliott notes, “With a mandatory later start date for the next school year, this will also be one of the longest summer breaks for our students. The first day of school for students next year is August 22.”
He also noted the achievements of the graduating class of WHS and WIA. “I would like to congratulate all of our 2022 graduates of Watauga High School and the Watauga Innovation Academy. This class is an especially accomplished group of students. Together they have earned nearly $7 million dollars in college scholarships. Approximately 219 of the students have already earned 1,058 college credits while in high school. Also, 24 of the students are graduating with both a community college certificate and their high school diploma.”
Dr. Elliott wrapped up by saying, “At graduation I always like to recognize the students who plan to enter directly into the military and thank them for their service. This is a highly accomplished group of graduates who are going to do amazing things after high school. I could not be more proud of them.”
WHS Graduation streaming can be found at this link and will go live a few minutes before the ceremony starts. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaHECspmnyguNdMkxyP1oVA/featured
The 2022-2023 calendar is below.