Town of BooneNews

Updated Town of Boone Website

Last Updated on November 10, 2021 8:53 am

Major updates have been made to the Town of Boone’s website. Found at the same domain,, Boone’s website has transitioned to a more modern, more transparent
format. Additional ‘global navigation’ tabs have been created, including ‘Your Government’,
‘Living & Visiting’, ‘About Boone’, ‘Connect & Engage’, and ‘How Do I…’. A main feature of
this updated website is the ‘Sign In’ feature. By creating an account, which is completely
optional, citizen’s gain access to receiving notifications via the new RSS feed, savable form
submissions via the new Form Center and many more perks.

Found underneath the ‘Your Government’ tab, ‘Departments & Operations’ has expanded to
include the following operations: the Downtown Development Coordinator, Parking,
Sustainability in Boone and Utility Billing. Additionally, all previous department tabs have been
renovated. In an effort to increase usability and reduce the use of paper, the updated website
now has online forms via the Form Center available for Administration and Human Resources.
This includes the Agenda Item Action Request Form and the Career Application, among others.
The RSS feed is also available to individuals who would like to be informed of public notices,
press releases, meeting agenda packets, etc. This feature will be used to greatly increase the
amount of communication between the Town of Boone and its citizens.

In an effort to support and promote the community as a whole throughout Boone, information
regarding community activities can be found under the ‘Living and Visiting’ tab. From Farmer’s
Markets to Renter’s Protection Information and even schools in Watauga County, this tab has
been curated to meet the needs of all of our citizens and tourists alike.

Boone has both a rich and intriguing history, as well as a bright future. Under the ‘About Boone’
tab, Boone’s past, present, and future are presented for interested individuals. Furthermore, key activities and facilities are highlighted here, including the Downtown Boone Self Guided
Walking Tour, Digital Watauga, and the Jones House.

One important aspect of the updated website is the focus on communication. Now, both
departments and staff are easily contactable with the ‘Connect & Engage’ tab focused heavily on
connecting citizens with their town staff. Additionally, town sponsored and community
sponsored activities are heavily highlighted under this tab, with ‘Things to Do in Boone’
including information on local theater productions, as well as all town-maintained facilities.

The ‘How Do I…’ tab is designed to help guide and answer frequently asked questions received
by Boone. Questions such as ‘How Do I Apply for a Permit from the Town’ and ‘How Do I
Submit a Citizens Service Request’ are now easily answered by redirecting all inquiries to the
right department. A search bar can be found on every page of the website, which can be utilized
to find answers not answered under the ‘How Do I…’ tab.

The main goals of the updated website are both transparency and increased communication
between the Town and its citizens. The website is constantly being updated, so if you have any
questions regarding the updated website, or notice an error on any page, please contact Laney
Pilkington, Administrative Support Specialist/Communications, at or (828) 268-6200.

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