NewsTown of Boone

The Town of Boone Awarded a NCDEQ LASII Program Grant

Last Updated on March 21, 2023 1:32 pm

In September 2022, the Town of Boone applied for a NCDEQ Local Assistance for Stormwater
Infrastructure Investments (LASII) Program grant. At the end of February 2023, Boone was
awarded a $400,000 NC LASII program grant. The grant will fund an inventory and mapping of the stormwater infrastructure on publicly owned land, town-maintained right-of-way,
DOT-maintained right-of-way, and publicly accessible private property.

The inventory will include a field collection of features across the entire incorporated area of
Boone, excluding small areas that were inventoried during previous location-specific projects.
Mapped features will include inlets, outfalls, catch basins, detention ponds, culverts, and any
other features discovered. The inventory will result in a geodatabase of stormwater infrastructure and a clearer picture of how existing assets function, or fail to function, as a system. The project will pair this inventory with an assessment of the maintenance condition and adequacy of each mapped stormwater asset within Town limits (including those mapped during previous projects).

This information will allow Town leaders to identify needs, develop solutions, and incorporate
projects into the Town of Boone Public Works Capital Improvements Plan. This will help Town
leaders make decisions on appropriate levels of funding for stormwater during the budget

For more information on the awarded NCDEQ LASII grant, please contact George Santucci,
Sustainability and Special Projects Manager, at

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