Town of BooneNews

The Town of Boone Adopts the Boone Community Climate Action Plan

Last Updated on March 26, 2024 10:55 am

On March 13th, 2024 the Boone Town Council adopted the Boone Community Climate Action Plan (Boone CCAP). This plan will guide the Town of Boone regarding climate initiatives for years to come. The following goals are laid out within the Boone CCAP for the Town of Boone’s elected officials, Town of Boone staff, and the community at large:

● Municipal Operations: Carbon Neutrality by 2030

● Community-Wide: 54% Reduction Below 2020 Levels by 2030

● Community-Wide: Carbon Neutrality by 2050

In order to reach these goals, the Boone CCAP has two different categories of actions community stakeholders can take; Accelerating Reduction Strategies and Supporting Reduction Strategies. Accelerating Reduction Strategies are strategies that target the highest emitting sectors. These actions include decarbonizing the electricity grid, electrifying buildings and performing energy efficiency upgrades, and reducing vehicle miles traveled and transitioning to eco-friendly transportation methods. Supporting Reduction Strategies are strategies that target the lower emitting sectors. These actions include reducing the amount of waste generated, supporting nature-based solutions for infrastructure, promoting sustainable food systems, creating a circular economy, and promoting just and equitable transitions for community and economic resilience.

“The Town of Boone is a leader with sustainable actions, and we have made great strides as a community. That is why I am proud to see the first completed Boone Community Climate Action Plan come to life. This plan addresses multiple sectors of sustainability, including energy, transportation, water quality and quantity, and more. Furthermore, each sector has achievable actions everyone can take to reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses they emit or actions which help keep our community healthy and green.” – Tim Futrelle, Mayor of the Town of Boone

This plan was developed during a two year process. In April 2022, the Town of Boone released an online survey entitled the “Boone Community Climate Opinion Survey”. Through this survey, the Town of Boone worked with ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI), an international non-governmental organization that promotes sustainable development, to develop the first draft of the Boone CCAP. An additional online survey was released in June 2023 entitled the “Town of Boone Community Climate Action Plan Public Input Survey”, in order to inform the Town about what the community wants in the Boone CCAP.

Following the release of this survey, three public input sessions were held at the Watauga Agricultural Center, the Town of Boone Council Chambers, and on the campus of Appalachian State University. In doing so, town staff and ICLEI created a revised plan and fine tuned the plan with the Town of Boone’s Sustainability Committee. The Town of Boone’s Sustainability Committee approved of the Boone CCAP in January 2024, and the plan was submitted to the Boone Town Council for approval in March.

“It was wonderful to collaborate with community members and key partners to develop this plan. It will guide our actions to address climate change and reduce polluting greenhouse gasemissions in both the near and long term.” – George Santucci, Sustainability and Special Projects Manager

To view the adopted Boone Community Climate Action Plan, please visit For more information regarding how the Boone Community Climate Action Plan process, please contact George Santucci, Sustainability and Special Projects Manager, at

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