
Summer Cycling Safety in North Carolina

Last Updated on June 15, 2016 1:53 pm

Raleigh – A summertime bike ride is a great chance to get outside and enjoy North Carolina’s beautiful scenery.

As part of Governor Pat McCrory’s 25-Year Vision to enhance travel safety and better connect North Carolinians to recreation opportunities, the state is working to make sure that cyclists can ride safely this summer.

N.C. Transportation’s website features information and safety resources for cyclists. The website recently added a series of educational videos created in partnership with BikeWalk NC. Each video contains important tips for safe cycling.

Because the warm weather means more cyclists on the road, motorists should also do their part to keep the streets safe. N.C. Transportation’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Division offers information to help motorists better understand how to share the road with bicycles, which are considered vehicles in North Carolina. For more information, visit Watch for Me NC, North Carolina’s statewide bicycle and pedestrian safety campaign.

Cyclists and motorists can also now submit specific concerns about roadway safety directly to the N.C. Transportation Bicycle and Pedestrian Division. This information can be shared with law enforcement and cycling organizations to help improve safety on North Carolina roadways. Crash and injury reports should still be reported directly to local law enforcement.

Visit the Bicycle and Pedestrian Division website for more information about these and other bicycle safety initiatives.

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