Last Updated on October 3, 2021 7:24 pm
Below are some of the sights as the leaves change in the High Country October 1-3, 2021.
Friday, October 1, 2021, In Banner Elk. Photo: Scott Green

Friday, October 1 in Banner Elk. Photo: Sharon Brammer

From the Beacon Heights Overlook parking area Friday morning Oct 1, 2021. Photos: Carol Harmon

From Saturday morning. Photo: Tyler Sherwood.

Tater Hill on Sunday morning at 10am. Photo: Rachel Warren

Grandfather Mountain on Saturday afternoon. Photo: Susan Murphy

Here's the view from Price Lake on Sunday as it continues to slowly fill back up after dam repairs back in late August/early September. Photo: Peter Rhyne

“Taken from Beacon Heights parking lot yesterday afternoon. No color enhancement, it is really this bright! The clouds make the colors pop even more.” Caption and photo: Susan Murphy

In Banner Elk on Sunday morning. Photo: Penny Thomas

Pictured from Half Moon overlook, orange and gold begins to spread along Grandfather's lofty slopes. Photo by Skip Sickler/Grandfather Mountain Stewardship Foundation

First two pics are Wildcat Lake and red tree is Tate Evans Park in Banner Elk & Sugar Mtn. Photos: Gin Cav

First two photos are in Dutch Creek Road in Valle Crucis, third photo is in Todd. Photos: Anita Presnell.