
Sheriff: No Harmful Devices Found In Courthouse Bomb Threat

Last Updated on December 24, 2019 4:28 pm

On Wednesday, March 22, at about 11 a.m., an unknown male placed a call to the Boone Police Department indicating that there was a bomb in the Watauga County Courthouse in Boone, according to Watauga County Sheriff Len Hagaman.

Officers from the Sheriff’s Office, Boone Police Department and Boone Fire Department responded.
Members of the courthouse staff and the public were evacuated and the building was searched by law enforcement and county maintenance. Sheriff Len Hagaman says that no harmful devices were found.

Teams of Watauga County Sheriff's Deputies, along with select Watauga County Administration, the Watauga County Maintenance Department staff, systematically cleared all three floors if the Courthouse and the two floors of the adjacent Watauga County Administration building. At approximately 12 Noon all non-court offices were opened to their respective employees and were allowed to reenter the building.

Court related offices were reentered a short time later and shortly thereafter the building was reopened to the public.

The Boone Police Administration and Command Staff, Criminal Incestigations, and the Boone Police 911 Center are investigating the origin of the call and the identity of the caller.

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