Last Updated on March 7, 2013 10:32 am
The N.C. Department of Transportation has released the first draft of the Walk Bike NC statewide pedestrian and bicycle plan, which will guide future investments to walking and bicycling in North Carolina.
The public is invited to review the plan online and submit comments until April 30.
“The statewide plan for walking and cycling demonstrates collaboration as we establish a vision for the state, connecting residents from the mountains to the sea. I look forward to making this plan a reality,” said Transportation Secretary Tony Tata.
The plan was prepared through a unique partnership between NCDOT, the state departments of Natural Resources, Commerce and Health and Human Services, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina, the Federal Highways Administration, and private donors. Tens of thousands of residents, employers and experts submitted input as part of a public involvement process this past fall.
The plan identifies current conditions, goals and action strategies related to five main pillars – mobility, economics, safety, health and environment.
“A statewide plan is necessary to identify partners in implementation, develop a funding strategy for addressing need, and create innovative ways to effectively deliver transportation benefit to pedestrians and bicyclists in North Carolina,” said Bicycle and Pedestrian Division Director Lauren Blackburn.